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Team: Manchester City

PremiershipTeams: 20
PlayedPointsGoal Diff.Goals Scored
Manchester City’s Outcome percentage.
Outcomes for Premiership are:
1 Champions (1 team)
2-4 Champions League place (3 teams)
5-7 Europa/Conference League place (1-3 teams)
8-10 Top half (3 teams)
11-27 Bottom half (7 teams)
18-20 Relegation(3 teams)
probs4.club’s position distribution for Manchester City
Percentage outcome, position and points for Manchester City’s
Comparing historical outcomes verses probs4.club's calculations
historical data from all top tier 20 team seasons, from 1988/9
Distribution of Manchester City’s outcome by points.
Manchester City’s percentage outcome by points.
Percentages based on very low occurrences (far left or right) are likely to be 'inaccurate'