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Team: Manchester City

PremiershipTeams: 20
PlayedPointsGoal Diff.Goals Scored
Manchester City’s Outcome percentage.
Outcomes for Premiership are:
1: Champions (1 team)
2-4: Champions League place (3 teams)
5-7: Europa/Conference League place (1-3 teams)
8-10: Top half (3 teams)
11-27: Bottom half (7 teams)
18-20: Relegation (3 teams)
probs4.club’s position distribution for Manchester City
Percentage outcome, position and points for Manchester City’s
Comparing historical outcomes verses probs4.club's calculations
historical data from all top tier 20 team seasons, from 1988/9
Distribution of Manchester City’s outcome by points.
Manchester City’s percentage outcome by points.
Percentages based on very low occurrences (far left or right) are likely to be 'inaccurate'
Distribution of Manchester City’s position by points.