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Team: Forest Green

League 2Teams: 24
PlayedPointsGoal Diff.Goals Scored
Forest Green’s Outcome percentage.
Outcomes for League 2 are:
1-3 Automatic promotion (3 teams)
4-7 Playoff place (4 teams)
8-12 Top half (5 teams)
13-22 Bottom half (10 teams)
23-24 Relegation, to National League (2 teams)
probs4.club’s position distribution for Forest Green
Percentage outcome, position and points for Forest Green’s
Comparing historical outcomes verses probs4.club's calculations
historical data from all efl completed 24 team seasons since start of 3pts for win (1981/2)
Distribution of Forest Green’s outcome by points.
Forest Green’s percentage outcome by points.
Percentages based on very low occurrences (far left or right) are likely to be 'inaccurate'
Distribution of Forest Green’s position by points.
Forest Green’s percentage position by points.
Percentages based on very low occurrences (far left and/or right) are likely to be 'inaccurate'
Position %, over time.
Points percentiles over time.
note: Min & Maxs are as observed in 10000 simulation runs.
Position percentiles over time.
note: Min & Maxs are as observed in 10000 simulation runs.
Historical progress
since 1981/2 (3pts for win), showing 30 seasons max.
including min & max for each tier.
label = season_tier_points/played_position (pts & pos ignoring any point deductions)