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League: Premiership

Update after games on: Sun 28-April-2024

Teams in LeagueGames PlayedGames RemainingAverage Games Remaining
Chart showing outcome percentage for teams in Premiership.
Outcomes for Premiership are:
1 Champions (1 team)
2-4 Champions League place (3 teams)
5-7 Europa/Conference League (1-3 teams)
8-10 Top half (3 teams)
11-27 Bottom half (7 teams)
18-20 Relegation (3 teams)
Chart showing position percentage for each team in Premiership.
Champions League place (top 4)
Top 7, Europa league place, for 5th
6th & 7th might give Europa/Conference League place depending on FA & EFL Cup winners.
Relegation percentages over time, legend sorted by current rank.
Rankings over time.
Outcomes distribution by points,
as the point range is too wide to display each points value hover over the bars and the tooltip includes the points value.
Chart shows two sets of stacked outcomes for bottom and top half.
Can help gauge at what points level an outcome moves from impossible … improbable … possible … probable … highly probable … almost certain.
Position distribution by points,
as the point range is too wide to display each points
value hover over the bars and the tooltip includes the points value.
Stacked position percentage by points.
Mean average points for each team
Mean average points for each position.
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